
Supratrochlear nerve
Supra-orbital nerve
Levator palpebrae superioris muscle
Superior rectus muscle
Lacrimal gland
Lacrimal nerve
Lateral rectus muscle
Frontal nerve
Maxillary nerve (V
Mandibular nerve (V
Lesser petrosal nerve
Greater petrosal nerve
Trigeminal (semilunar) ganglion
Medial rectus muscle
Superior oblique muscle
Infratrochlear nerve
Nasociliary nerve
Trochlear nerve (IV)
Common tendinous ring (of Zinn)
Ophthalmic nerve (V
Optic nerve (II)
Oculomotor nerve (III)
Abducent nerve (VI)
Tentorium cerebelli
Trochlear nerve (IV)
Nasociliary nerve
Internal carotid plexus
Trochlear nerve (IV) (
Oculomotor nerve (III)
Abducent nerve (VI)
Ophthalmic nerve (V
Meningeal branch (V
Ciliary ganglion
Lacrimal nerve
Short ciliary nerves
Long ciliary nerves
Frontal nerve (
Lacrimal nerve
Meningeal branch (V
Abducent nerve (VI)
Supratrochlear nerve
Supra-orbital nerve branches
Infratrochlear nerve
Anterior ethmoidal nerve
Optic nerve (II)
Posterior ethmoidal nerve
Superior view
Tentorial (meningeal)
branch of ophthalmic nerve
Meningeal branch
of mandibular nerve
Meningeal branch
of maxillary nerve
Internal carotid artery
and nerve plexus
Medial branch
Lateral branch
Superior branch of
oculomotor nerve (III)
Inferior branch of
oculomotor nerve (III)
Branches to inferior
and medial rectus muscles
Sensory root of ciliary ganglion
(from nasociliary nerve)
Superior view:
levator palpebrae superioris,
superior rectus, and superior
oblique muscles partially
cut away
Parasympathetic root of ciliary
ganglion (from inferior branch
of oculomotor nerve)
Sympathetic root of ciliary
ganglion (from internal
carotid plexus)
Plates 52, 122, 123
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